Do not assume that the only things that constitute a disability are the more cliché examples of someone who has mobility issues that mean they have to use a wheelchair or something of this nature. It is not always this obvious to outsiders what the situation looks like from a medical perspective. This can make a disability “invisible” to others, but it does not make it less real.
For example, many people suffer from chronic pain. An example of this could be arthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome. But there are many other types of disorders that can also cause chronic pain in the feet, the back or all throughout the body. This pain is keenly felt by the individual, perhaps on a daily basis and with no end in sight, despite the fact that they appear to be physically well to anyone who meets them.
Why is pain a disability?
The reason that chronic pain can qualify as a disability is because pain is simply very limiting. Chronic pain may even meet the definition of a disability as set up by the Social Security Administration (SSA), and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) states that something qualifies as a disability if it “substantially limits” their ability to work. Chronic pain can absolutely make it impossible to walk, stand, kneel, sit, rest or concentrate.
What legal options do you have?
When the pain that you are experiencing is so severe that you cannot work for an extended period of time – or that you may never return to work again – it’s very important to consider how you may be able to seek the ERISA benefits you need. There are important legal steps to take and details to consider, such as providing appropriate medical records. Be sure you know exactly how to proceed.