Do you have a short-term or long-term disability?

On Behalf of | May 17, 2021 | ERISA Disability Benefits

When seeking proper compensation following a disability, one of the biggest questions to ask is how long this is going to last. It’s probably one of the main things on your mind, anyway, because you want to know if life is going to go back to normal. 

But it’s also one of the biggest questions for the insurance company. Is this a long-term or a short-term situation? 

This may be an evolving process

Experts define short-term disabilities as those that do keep you out of work entirely — unlike some minor injuries, that you can work through — but only for a limited time. You’re expected to heal and make a relatively full recovery so that you can get back on the job. 

One thing to keep in mind is that the definition of your injury may evolve as your medical team works with you. They may assume at first that you’ll make a full recovery, only to see that things are actually much worse than first assumed. You may encounter setbacks. Your condition could actually get worse, turning your short-term issue into a long-term disability. 

There are a lot of factors to consider. What type of injury or disease do you have? What is your medical history? How well is your medical team doing as they treat you? These cases are different for everyone. 

Get help with your denied ERISA claim

What is the same for everyone is the importance of know what legal options you have. This is especially true if the insurance company does not agree on the type of disability you have and wants to deny your claim. If your ERISA disability claim was denied, you don’t have to fight the system on your own.