A History Of Success In ERISA Claims Matters

Has Your Unum Disability Claim Been Denied?

Did the Unum Group deny your disability claim? You may have been seeking benefits from the Unum Group directly or from an insurer under its parent company umbrella. These could include Provident, Paul Revere or Unum Life.

At Toledano Disability Law, help is available. Attorney ​Reagan Toledano has nearly 20 years of experience handling claims from these and many other insurance companies. He has a track record of success in both appellate and federal courts. He offers a flexible schedule, gives personalized attention to every case and provides free initial consultations.

If you believe your disability claim was wrongfully denied and could be in violation of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), call Mr. Toledano to set up a consultation and learn about your legal options.

Why Was Your Claim Denied?

One key thing to consider is the reason for the denial. For instance, medical evidence is often referred to as the “backbone of disability cases.” If you provided all of the proper evidence from your medical team, you may be stunned by the denial. Is it legitimate or is the insurance company denying your case to avoid the payout? Insurers are supposed to fairly judge each case on its own merits, rather than making decisions for financial reasons.

If you plan to appeal the denial, understanding why the denial occurred also helps your lawyer craft a legal strategy. Are there paperwork errors that could be corrected? Is more medical evidence necessary? Were you denied based on your medical condition itself or are there technical issues that could be fixed?

The answers to these and other questions can guide you in making informed decisions about your claim. Toledano Disability Law can help you find the answers you need to move forward.

Setting Up Your Consultation

Attorney Reagan Toledano believes in a fair, just and unbiased disability claims process, and he has spent two decades helping Louisiana citizens and those in nearby states overcome wrongful denials. Contact the New Orleans office today at CALL or send an email to schedule your free consultation.